Poor lifting technique = a back injury

Back injuries account for one in five workplace injuries, and 75% of workplace-related back injuries occur during a lifting task, reports OSHA.

Back injuries, a significant source of disability, are expensive for employers — in workers’ compensation claims, days away from work, and lost productivity.

Proper Lifting Techniques You’ve heard, “lift with your knees, not with your back.” This means you should never bend forward to lift a heavy object.

Instead, you should squat, secure the load, and stand by straightening your legs while keeping your back straight or slightly arched.

  • Stand as close to the load as possible.
  • Plant your feet shoulder-width apart with one foot slightly ahead of the other.
  • Bend at the hips and knees only until you’re deep in a squatting position.
  • Keep your head up and straight with your shoulders back to keep your back straight.
  • Hold the load close to your body at waist height.
  • Engage your core muscles as you push against the ground and straighten your legs.

Source: OSHA.com