Be a better manager — Leave work at the office

Striking a better work-life balance might make you a more effective manager on the job, according to a new study.

A survey of managers and their employees found that bosses who could shut off after-work emails, calls and job-related stress had greater success guiding underlings to meet work goals.

“We found that when leaders psychologically detached from work when at home — they did not actively think about work-related issues, but instead engaged in activities that allowed them to disconnect and recharge — they felt more energized the next day at work,” said one of the researchers.    

Basically, the study found …

  • A good work-home balance is likely to improve a manager’s leadership skills. 
  • Bosses who can detach at the end of the work day feel more energized at work the next day, which makes them more effective.
  • Managers who can turn off the job at night are also rated more powerful by their employees.

“In contrast,” the researcher said, “on days when leaders kept ruminating about negative aspects of their work while at home, they felt more drained the next day at work, and were less transformational and powerful.” 

Source: HealthDay News