Drug abuse and the economy

It’s a connection that health officials might miss, but an alarming new study shows that when factories close, deaths from opioid overdoses soar.
“There’s this sense of increasing despair among people – especially people who are working-class who have seen in the last several decades a lot of their economic opportunities wither away,” said the lead researcher. 

The findings target fading economic opportunity as a key force driving opioid addiction and deaths in the United States.

People suffering from depression, anxiety and major life stress are more vulnerable to addiction, especially when their communities are flooded with easily accessible addictive drugs. 

Going forward, a researcher said,  the best approach is early intervention for those at risk and effective treatment for those who are already addicted. 

For more on the opioid crisis, visit the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse. 

Source: HealthDay News

Drug abuse affects businesses in many ways. Physicians Quality Care OCCMed takes the headache out of addressing the problem. We will:

  • Set up a Drug-Free Workplace program at your facility.
  • Help fill out and file the necessary paperwork.
  • Train supervisors on how to look for signs of drug use and how to approach an employee suspected of use.
  • Administer all of your drug screenings.

For more information, contact Jennifer Carmack, OCCMed Director, at jennifer@physiciansqualitycare.com or 731-984-8400.