Dealing with the flu at work

Though the Centers for Disease Control says the yearly flu vaccine is the single best way to protect yourself against the flu, you can also take everyday preventive measures like covering your cough and washing your hands frequently.

The workplace can be an incubator for the spread of germs. Here are suggestions from the CDC for maintaining a healthy workplace ...

  • Encourage your coworkers to get the flu shot. When you get the flu vaccine, you’re not just protecting yourself, you are protecting the people around you.
  • Routinely clean frequently touched objects and surfaces, including doorknobs, keyboards, and phones, to help remove germs.
  • Make sure your workplace has an adequate supply of tissues, soap, paper towels, alcohol-based hand rubs, and disposable wipes.
  • Train others on how to do your job so they can cover for you in case you or a family member gets sick and you have to stay home.
  • If someone begins to feel sick while at work, encourage him or her to go home.